Encryption Policy for the Global Information Infrastructure

Lance J. Hoffman

Institute for Computer and Telecommunications Systems Policy and
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The George Washington University
Washington, D.C. 20052 USA

Invited Keynote Address to the 11th International Conference on
Information Security (IFIP/Sec 95),  9-12 May 1995, Capetown,
South Africa


     Cryptology policy deals not only with various technological
encryption methods but also with thorny political and
administrative problems.  It is a challenge to address these in a
timely and open manner.  The problems arise in law enforcement,
civil liberties, and export control policy.  They must be
confronted  if a rational cryptographic policy is to provide a
framework in which technological solutions can operate. 

1.0 Introduction

     The announcement of the Clipper chip by the U.S. Government in
April 1993 set off a frenzy of discussions about cryptography
policy in the computer community.  The shock waves from it
ultimately produced front page treatment in The New York Times,
repeated questions to the Vice President of the United States, and
a new newsgroup on the Internet.  They also produced a great deal
of  public discussion about striking the balance between national
security, law enforcement, and civil liberties.
     As the Global Information Infrastructure develops, more
governments are becoming concerned with communications privacy and
security. This is not a new phenomenon; even before the French
revolution governments were worried about accountability of authors
and publication of seditious materials[***].   In 1993, the scepter
of effectively unbreakable cryptography available to any individual
pushed the United States government into launching three
interrelated initiatives: the digital telephony improvement
initiative, the Clipper chip key escrow encryption initiative, and
export control reform.  The first effectively makes the public
switched telephone network "wiretap-friendly"; the second promotes
encryption that can be broken, under certain conditions, by the
government; the third is supposed to expedite licensing of
encryption product exports.
     We attempt here to present a survey of the policy issues in a
non-ethnocentric manner.  However, since the United States has been
in the forefront of framing the debate, and since the author has
been close to that debate, this account necessarily will reflect
his knowledge.  It would be welcome if similar accounts from other
countries were made available.
       This paper does not examine the technology of cryptography;
readers interested in those issues are referred to [Beth 1992,
Brassard 1989, Rivest 1990, Kahn 1967, Diffie 1976].  Here, we
present a Cook's Tour of encryption policy,  sketching out the
general landscape and providing pointers on  where to go to get
more detailed information.

1.1 The Digital Telephony Initiative

     The digital telephony initiative was a successful effort by
the U. S. Government to maintain some capability to wiretap in
cases where advances in telecommunications technology could (or had
already) outrun law enforcement's ability to intercept
communications in order to enforce laws and protect national
security.  Recent legislation [HR4922] passed by the U. S. Congress
requires telecommunications carriers to ensure that they possess
the capability and capacity to enable the government to isolate and
intercept, pursuant to authorization by a court, call identifying
information and the contents of a communication. The requirements
apply only to carriers who engage in "the transmission of switching
of wire or electronic communications as a common carrier for hire." 
They do not apply to information service providers (the Internet,
America Online, Prodigy, etc.), to private networks, or to PBX's. 
The requirements for obtaining a warrant prior to the interception
have not been changed.  Law enforcement cannot require a carrier to
install a port which can be remotely activated by a law enforcement
officer.  All taps must be conducted with the intervention of the
carrier (as is the case under current law).  
     The new law authorizes US$500 million to be paid by the
government for this retrofitting of the telephone system.

1.2 The Clipper Chip Key Escrow Encryption Initiative

     The key escrow encryption initiative (popularly known as the
"Clipper plan", or just "Clipper") is a U. S. Government attempt to
protect communications against industrial espionage and other
compromises while at the same time maintaining the existing
capability of law enforcement and national security agencies to
eavesdrop, with a court order, on suspect communications.  When law
enforcement or national security agencies are interested in a
person's communication, they obtain a warrant from the appropriate
issuing authority.  They then fax a notification that they have
this to two independent government agencies (currently the National
Institute of Standards and Technology and the Automated Systems
Division of the Department of the Treasury), who then each give up
half of the digital key necessary to decrypt the conversation. 
When the two half-keys are joined to form the entire key, law
enforcement officials can then obtain the unit key for the given
chip used in the communicating telephone and use it to decrypt the
conversation (assuming that telephone has used the Clipper chip in
the first place).  A detailed description of the system appears in
[Denning 1994].
     This so-called "escrowed encryption standard" [NIST 1994] is
encouraged but voluntary in the federal government.  The
Administration, after looking into potential violations of the U.
S. Constitution, decided not to make it mandatory for private
persons.  Nevertheless, it clearly hopes that almost everybody will
use this system. Some civil libertarians and outside observers are
concerned that it will become mandatory in the future.  Indeed, FBI
Director Louis Freeh has been quoted as stating that he will have
to seriously consider proposing this if public acceptance of
Clipper does not increase.
     No one has seriously suggested that the algorithm is insecure
(although a method of using it which negates any value to law
enforcement because of a minor design flaw (now being corrected)
made the front page of The New York Times on June 2, 1994).  But
many do not completely trust the key escrow agents.  Many
suggestions have been made such as adding a third escrow agent from
the private sector, or one from the judicial branch of government,
or letting users pick whichever escrow agents they want, or having
software manufacturers serve as the escrow agents, etc. Only
recently has the government started seriously looking at some of
these alternatives, possibly due to the cold reception generally
accorded Clipper.
     Clipper's encryption algorithm, "Skipjack", fits into
Capstone, the U.S. government's long-term project to develop a set
of standards for publicly available cryptography for use in voice
and data communications.  In one scenario, the government itself
and all private companies doing electronic business with the
government would be required to use Capstone, which could all be
contained on a single computer chip.  This would provide economies
of scale but would also force users who wanted "government-proof"
communications to superencrypt using other commercially available

1.3. Export Control Reform

     There is a large and growing collection of encryption software
and hardware available around the world (see Figure 1).*** insert
pcx/dll***  The October 1994 Software Publishers Association
Foreign Availability Study turned up 870 products in 24 countries,
394 of which are manufactured outside the United States [SPA 1994];
roughly half of these use DES.  Since with export controls, sales
may be (and have been [Walker 1994]) lost to non-U.S. competitors
with stronger encryption packages, one U. S. vendor has actually
set up a completely independent cryptographic development lab
overseas from which crypto products can be exported almost
anywhere, including  the United States. 

[Insert Exhibit 1: Countries which encryption products were
obtained from. (Software Publishers Association, 1994); ART-34]

     Only recently have export controls been loosened a bit so
traveling business executives can at least take their laptops
overseas and encrypt information using the Data Encryption Standard
[NBS 1977] without violating the export laws (in theory -- for a
first-hand account of what actually happens when one tries to
comply with this U. S. law, see [Blaze 1995]).  There is some
Congressional interest in abandoning many export controls on
encryption, arguing that the economic needs outweigh the national
security needs.  The U. S. Commerce Department is currently
studying this issue.  They appear to be convinced of the foreign
availability of strong (DES or "better") encryption, but are
looking into how badly its nonexportability harms U. S. firms.
2.0. Key Escrow Cryptosystems

     Key escrow systems are those where part or all of the
cryptographic keys are kept "in escrow" by third parties.  The keys
are released only upon proper authority to allow some person other
than the original sender or receiver to read the message.  The U.
S. government is strongly supporting key escrow as a way to balance
the needs for secrecy between communicating persons against the
needs of law enforcement and national security agencies to
sometimes read these encrypted communications (with proper legal

2.1.  U. S. Government Key Escrow

     As of this writing, the U. S. Government's initial and only
key escrowing suggestion is the Escrowed Encryption Standard [NIST
1994] which defines a family of processors popularly known as
Clipper chips.  It uses the Skipjack algorithm which is classified
but has been examined by a non-Government review team; this team
had only a limited time to consider brute force attacks by
exhaustive search, susceptibility to shortcut attacks, and the
National Security Agency's design and evaluation process.  Their
interim report, the closest thing to a technical evaluation
publicly available, concluded that [Brickell 1993]:

      1.  Under an assumption that the cost of processing power is
          halved every eighteen months, it will be 36 years before
          the cost of breaking SKIPJACK by exhaustive search will
          be equal to the cost of breaking the Data Encryption
          Standard today. Thus, there is no significant risk that
          SKIPJACK will be broken by exhaustive search in the next
          30-40 years.

     2.   There is no significant risk that SKIPJACK can be broken
          through a shortcut method of attack.

     3.   While the internal structure of SKIPJACK must be
          classified in order to protect law enforcement and
          national security objectives, the strength of SKIPJACK
          against a cryptanalytic attack does not depend on the
          secrecy of the algorithm.

     After this report was issued, Blaze described potential
problems with Clipper that this review team failed to mention
[Blaze 1994], including two methods to avoid message interception
by the government.  While there are more effective ways of "beating
the system" (like superencryption) which are well-known, this paper
made front page news in the New York Times (June 2, 1994)[***],
sending shock waves across some policymakers' radar screens. 
     The U. S. Government hopes that the Capstone chip, which
incorporates several government standards including Skipjack, will
be widely used in both public and private sectors.  It is being
installed in "Fortezza" PCMCIA electronic boards and used for the
Pre-message Security Protocol (PMSP) program for the security of
the Defense Messaging System.  It implements the Skipjack algorithm
(for bulk data encryption), the digital signature algorithm as
specified in the digital signature standard [NIST 1994b], a key
exchange algorithm based on a public key exchange, and the secure
hashing  algorithm (NIST 1994c). 
     On July 20, 1994, Vice President Gore acknowledged some of the
problems with Clipper and stated that "the Clipper chip is an
approved federal standard for telephone communication and not for
computer networks and video networks"; that he would like a "more
versatile, less expensive system" with key escrow implementable in
software, firmware or hardware, or any combination thereof" which
"would not rely on a classified algorithm"; and that "there are
many severe challenges to developing such a system" which "must
permit the use of private-sector key escrow agents as one option". 
He promised [Gore 1994] to reassess the current relatively strict
export control licensing regime based on the results of two
government studies to be carried out in 1994 and 1995.

2.2. Alternatives

     There are alternatives to Government Key Escrow.  Micali has
patented a process [Micali ****] for building a "fair" cryptosystem
that balances the needs of the Government and those of the public
and private sectors (U. S. patent no. 5,276,737 issued 4 January
1994).  It appears to cover the Escrowed Encryption Standard
(Clipper) and the U.S. government has negotiated with him a limited
use license for state and federal law enforcement.  Banker's Trust
International has proposed a common key escrow system for
government and commerce using unclassified algorithms, with users
having public-private keys [Singh 1994]. Trusted Information
Systems  [Balenson 1994] has proposed two software-only designs for
key escrow systems, one paralleling Clipper and one an improvement
which is likely to be much more palatable to private organizations
[Walker 1995].  The latter (see Figure 2 ***18885***) is really
more properly called a (near-) real-time emergency access system,
since there is nothing in escrow and no escrow agent.  The U. S.
Government itself is actively examining alternatives [NIST 1993]. 
These generally avoid some of the practical problems associated
with the official U.S. Government key escrow system [Denning
Figure 2. ***caption***

3.0. Law Enforcement and Civil Liberties Issues

     Some assert [Denning 1994c] that the Clipper Chip initiative
strikes the proper balance between individual and organizational
needs for secret communications with our common need for public
safety and monitoring of criminal and terrorist activities. 
Civilized life is a compromise and everything has honest costs
[Gelernter 1994].  But people disagree on these "honest costs". 
While most expert testimony submitted to the government opposed
both Clipper and current export controls and while the public
comments by organizations and individuals were 318-2 against the
initiative [Levy 1994], the government decided that the arguments
on the other side were more compelling; it  never issued the report
on Clipper it promised when announcing the initiative in April
     This ongoing communications gap and lack of trust between the
federal government (especially the national security agencies with
their closed culture) and much of the computer community and the
media poisoned the Clipper discussions for a long time.  Indeed,
one local trade publication questioned why the National Security
Agency (NSA), supposedly not involved in domestic issues, has taken
such an active role in advocating Clipper as a national encryption
standard; it effectively stated that "the agency is breaking the
law" [Brendler 1994].  But if, as many (especially in the national
security community) argue,  key escrow systems represent "the last
chance to protect personal safety and national security against a
developing information anarchy that fosters criminals, terrorists
and foreign foes" [Levy 1994], shouldn't these and other systems be
examined more closely, and by a broader range of people?
     In fact, this is what is happening.  The debate has now
shifted from relatively arcane technological details to the policy
matters.  A broad policy review is now being carried out by the
National Research Council.  One important outcome of this should be
"the  development of more open processes to determine how
cryptography will be deployed throughout society in support of
electronic delivery of government services, copyright management,
and digital commerce" [OTA 1994].  This report will not be ready
until 1996.  Walker suggests that is too long a time and that if
the problem is not resolved by using "commercial key escrow" as
opposed to "government key escrow", and soon,  the opportunity will
be lost to limit the expansion of incompatible product-by-product
solutions.  He thinks that if governments continue to "study the
problem", a plethora of cryptographic mechanisms will be put into
computing software, and that this will seriously damage law
enforcement and national security interests [Walker 1995].
     Should anyone be able to develop and disseminate encryption
technology or should it be "born classified"?  Diffie is concerned
about  the effect of a secret cryptographic standard on individual
rights and technology development [Diffie 1993] and on innovation
in the computer and communications industries.  He states that the
public (not government) cryptographic community has been the
principal source of innovation in cryptography; he does not want to
hobble this innovation.  He has urged that all aspects of Clipper
be made public, not only to expose them to public scrutiny but also
to guarantee that once made available as standards they will not be
prematurely withdrawn by an all-powerful agency. He observes that
"law, technology, and economics ... must all be kept in harmony if
freedom is to be secure" and wants rights (such as that to have a
private conversation) recognized by law to be supported rather than
undermined by technology.
     The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), reacting to the
announcement of the Clipper Chip proposal, expressed a concern that
the rights protected under the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments
of the U. S. Constitution (freedom of speech; no unreasonable
search and seizure, warrants with particulars; no self-
incrimination or private property taking) may be violated.  They
also assert that the present system of export controls on
cryptography is unconstitutional, a point apparently agreed with by
an assistant attorney general in a 1978 government memo [Harmon
     Froomkin sees the issue as less clear, however.  As he points
out, "the rights of private non-commercial users appear to be a
distressingly close question given the current state of civil
rights doctrine and the great importance that the courts give to
law enforcement and national security." [Froomkin 1994]  
     To show that the public welfare may indeed be threatened by
too much and too good cryptography available to the general public,
we present an example of the criminal sophistication that is
possible with today's technology: the undetectable electronic
crime.  This is provided in a mathematical formulation in about a
page by  [Von Solms 1992].  The reader, and the populace, will have
to judge whether the scepter of enough of these is so likely and so
threatening that diminution of some other civil liberties is
     Because of these concerns, a bill (H. R. 5199) was introduced
in the 1994 U. S. Congress to regulate "voluntary encryption
standards" for privacy, security, and authenticity of domestic and
international electronic communications.  Its key features include:

         The Secretary of Commerce will establish an Encryption
          Standards and Procedures Program conducted by the
          director of the National Institute of Standards and
          Technology. The Secretary will be authorized to conduct
          research, make grants, and enter into agreements.

         Any encryption standard put forward by the Secretary
          shall meet the following requirements: ensure
          confidentiality, integrity, or authenticity of electronic
          communications; advance the development of the National
          Information Infrastructure (NII); contribute to public
          safety and national security; preserve existing privacy
          rights; preserve the functional ability of government to
          interpret electronic information lawfully obtained; be
          implementable in software, firmware, or hardware.

         Standards shall be developed in consultation with the
          Attorney General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
          the National Security Agency, and other federal agencies.
          The Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board
          shall review any standard before issuance.

         Nothing in [this act] shall be construed to require the
          use of such standards.

         Key escrow agents may be established by the President.
          Each escrow agent will be a federal agency that is
          competent to the administer the program and is not a
          federal agency authorized by law to conduct electronic

         The key escrow agent may only disclose the keys to an
          authorized government entity and that entity may only use
          the keys for the purpose expressly provided for in the
          court order. Foreign entities may have access to the keys
          if the President determines that it would be in the
          national security interests of the United States.

         The Secretary of Commerce shall conduct a public hearing
          every three years on the program and then submit a report
          to Congress.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center of Washington welcomed
this first attempt to "bring encryption standards setting under the
rule of law", but proposed several changes [EPIC 1994] including
improving citizen privacy by either creating a privacy agency or by
taking away the special status for pre-issuance review of proposed
encryption standards that the FBI, NSA, and the Attorney General
have under this draft; providing  a proper and public risk
assessment of the government's key escrow policy (see also [Hanson
1994]); and transferring key escrow responsibility from the
executive branch to the judicial branch of government so that the
regulators report to different persons than the regulated.

4.0 Export Policy: Prudent Controls in a Risky World?

     The United States Government continues to impose rigid
controls on the export of encryption software and hardware
products, despite evidence that the policies governing the issuing
of export licenses inhibit U.S. businesses' ability to compete in
the foreign marketplace -- a marketplace that already offers
encryption software and hardware that incorporates the very
standards that U.S. businesses cannot export because of export
     Exports of cryptographic software and hardware are controlled
by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S.  Department of
Commerce.  The State Department uses the International Traffic in
Arms Regulations (ITAR) which include the "Munitions List"; this
list enumerates munitions material for which export licensing is
required; encryption materials are included in Category XIII. 
Commerce Department requirements are set forth in the Export
Administration Regulations and the Commerce Control List.  The
National Security Agency (NSA) has a very strong voice in these
     Walker [Walker 1994] describes importing several DES products
and notes the "frustrating and somewhat humorous" incident in which
NIST posted source code for DES to the Internet without an export
restriction notice and it was immediately copied by computers in
Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan.  As he points out, FIPS
181 (which contains the DES source code) [FIPS 181] now "is
available from hosts throughout the world along with the notice
that export from the U.  S.  is in violation of U.  S. export
     Complying with export regulations is daunting, and  a
manufacturer who is exporting software or having foreign nationals
develop it could unwittingly run afoul of U. S. law  [Christensen
1993]  That's what may have happened to Phil Zimmermann, the author
of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), who has come under pressure from the
U. S. government for the unregulated distribution of strong
encryption.  A federal grand jury in San Jose, California is
examining whether he broke laws against exporting encryption codes. 
He says a friend, who he refuses to identify, put PGP on the
Internet. Zimmermann's lawyer says his client could face charges
carrying a prison sentence of up to 51 months. [Bulkeley 1994] 
Miller, in a fundraising appeal for the Phil Zimmermann Defense
Fund posted to a number of newsgroups, claims that the government
also hopes to establish the proposition that posting a
cryptographic program on a bulletin board system  or on the
Internet is the same as exporting a "munition" [Miller 1994].
     There are two conflicting U. S. government rulings on the
legality of exporting cryptographic information.  In the first, the
Department of State [Harris 1994] ruled  that export of a diskette
with source code for high quality cryptography is prohibited, even
though export of the same source code printed in a book is allowed
(even in this day of inexpensive scanners!).  The second [Harmon
1978] is a Justice Department memorandum to the Science Advisor to
the President, stating that "the present ITAR licensing scheme does
not meet constitutional standards".  This memorandum concluded that
"a prepublication review requirement for cryptographic information
might meet First Amendment standards if it provided necessary
procedural safeguards and precisely drawn guidelines."  Apparently,
an informal system of prepublication review instituted in 1981
[PCSG 1981] has worked well for the publication of cryptographic
papers.  A broad-based committee of the Association for Computing
Machinery has written that "As far as the research community has
been concerned, it is fair to say that there have been no long-term
chilling effects." [Landau 1994].  
     Charles A. Hawkins, Jr., Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense
(C3I) summarized the encryption policy issue very well in a memo
for the U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense on May 3, 1993.  He
correctly observed that encryption policy is not a technological

          Trapdoor encryption technology is not essential to
     the debate since a system that required the escrow of
     keys by users of cryptographic technologies could be
     established even if the trapdoor chips did not exist. 
     Proposed use of trapdoor technology does raise a further
     complication: neither the academic community nor private
     industry is comfortable with encryption algorithms that
     are kept secret, as will be the case with the trapdoor
     chip.  It has been suggested that an independent panel of
     cryptography experts will be invited to evaluate the
     algorithm.  This will not reassure the community at large
     that there are no unrecognized vulnerabilities, since the
     panel will be perceived as captive and tainted.

5.0. Summary

     We have clearly learned a lot in the first years of the
cryptographic policy debate, and are starting to deal with the
thorny technological, political, and administrative issues it
raises.  It will be a challenge to do this in a timely manner and
in an open fashion.  We hope that this survey  provides a good
start in that direction.


[Balenson 1994]     Balenson, D. M., Ellison, C. M., Lipner, S.
                    B., and Walker, S. T., "A New Approach to
                    Software Key Escrow Encryption", in [Hoffman
[Beth 1992]         Beth, T., Frisch, M., and Simmons, G. (Eds.),
                    1992, Public Key Cryptography: State of the
                    Art and Future Directions, Lecture Notes in
                    Computer Science 578, Springer-Verlag, 1992.
[Blaze 1994]        Blaze, M., "Protocol failure in the escrowed
                    encryption standard", Proceedings of the 2nd
                    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
                    Security, Fairfax, VA, November 1994
                    (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Blaze 1995]        Blaze, M., "My  life as an international arms
                    courier", comp.risks, January 6, 1995.
[Brassard 1989]     Brassard, G., Modern Cryptology.  Lecture
                    Notes in Computer Science 325, Springer-
                    Verlag, New York, 1989.
[Brendler 1994]     Brendler, B., 'Secret' Agency Steps Over the
                    Line, Washington Technology, February 10, 1994
                    (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Brickell 1993]     Brickell, E. F., Denning, D. E., Kent, S. T.,
                    Maher, D. P., and Tuchman, W., "SKIPJACK
                    Review: Interim Report", posted to sci.crypt,
                    August 1, 1993 by Dorothy Denning (reprinted
                    in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Bulkeley 1994]     Bulkeley, W. M., "Genie is Out of the Bottle",
                    Wall Street Journal, April 28, 1994, p. 1 
                    (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Christensen 1993]  Christensen, L. E., "Technology and Software
                    Controls" in Law and Policy of Export
                    Controls: Recent Essays on Key Export Issues,
                    August 1993, pp. 3-33 (reprinted in [Hoffman
[Denning 1994] Denning, D., "The U. S. Key Escrow Encryption
               Technology", Computer Communications 17, 7 (July
               1994), Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., Linacre House,
               Jordan Hill, Oxford, OX2 8DP, United Kingdom
               (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Denning 1994b]     Denning, D. and M. Smid, "Key Escrowing
                    Today", IEEE Communications, September 1994.
[Denning 1994c]     Denning, D., Testimony before the U. S. House
                    of Representatives Subcommittee on Technology,
                    Environment, and Aviation of the Committee on
                    Science, Space, and Technology, May 3, 1994 
                    (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]) .
[Diffie 1976]       ref 3 p 34
[Diffie 1993]       Diffie, W., "The Impact of a Secret
                    Cryptographic Standard on Encryption, Privacy,
                    Law Enforcement and Technology", Hearings
                    before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications
                    and Finance of the Committee on Energy and
                    Commerce, U. S. House of Representatives,
                    103rd Congress, 1st Session, April 19 and June
                    9, 1993.  Serial No. 103-53, pp. 111-116 
                    (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[EPIC 1994]         Electronic Privacy Information Center,
                    Statement on Wiretap Bill, October 8, 1994 
                    (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Froomkin 1994]     Froomkin, A. M., "The Constitutionality of
                    Mandatory Key Escrow -- A First Look", in
                    [Hoffman 1995].
[Gelernter 1994]    Gelernter, D., "Wiretaps for a Wireless Age",
                    The New York Times, Section 4 Op-Ed, May 8,
                    1994, (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Gore 1994]         Gore, A., Letter to Hon. Maria Cantwell, July
                    20, 1994 (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Hanson 1994]  Hanson, R., "Can Wiretaps Remain Cost-Effective?",
               Communications of the ACM  37, 12 (December 1994),
               pp. 13-15.
[Harmon 1978]  Harmon, J. M., "Constitutionality Under the First
               Amendment of ITAR Restrictions on Public
               Cryptography", Memorandum to Dr. Frank Press,
               Science Advisor to the U. S. President, May 11,
               1978  (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Harris 1994]       Harris, M., letter to Philip R. Karn, Jr.,
                    October 7, 1994 reaffirming determination on
                    cryptographic export media (reprinted in
                    [Hoffman 1995]).
[Kahn 1967]         ref 5 p 34
[Hoffman 1994] Hoffman, L. J., "Clipping Clipper", Communications
               of the ACM 36, 9 (September 1993), pp. 15-17.
[Hoffman 1995] Hoffman, L. J. (ed.), Building in Big Brother,
               Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1995.
[HR4922]       H. R. 4922, "Digital Telephony and Communications
               Privacy Improvement Act of 1994", (reprinted in
               [Hoffman 1995]).
[Landau 1994]  Landau, S., Kent, S., Brooks, C., Charney, S.,
               Denning, D., Diffie, W., Lauck, A., Miller, D.,
               Neumann, P., Sobel, D., Codes, Keys, and Conflicts:
               Issues in U. S. Crypto Policy, June 1994. 
               Available from Association for Computing Machinery,
               New York.  Chapter on "Cryptography in Public: A
               Brief History" reprinted in [Hoffman 1995].
[Levy 1994]         Levy, S., "The Cypherpunks vs. Uncle Sam", The
                    New York Times Magazine, June 12, 1994
                    (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]).
[Markoff 1994] Markoff, J., "Flaw Discovered in Federal Plan for
               Wiretapping", The New York Times, June 2, 1994,
               page 1.
[Micali ****]       Micali, S., " (reprinted in [Hoffman 1995]
[Miller 1994]       Miller, ***, ***, Article 8319 of
                    talk.politics.crypto, December 22, 1994.
[NBS 1977]          National Bureau of Standards, "Data Encryption
                    Standard", FIPS PUB 46, Washington, D. C.,
                    January 1977.
[NIST 1993]         National Institute of Standards and
                    Technology, Opportunity to Join a Cooperative
                    Research and Development Consortium to Develop
                    Secure Software Encryption with Integrated
                    Cryptographic Key Escrowing Techniques,
                    Federal Register, Notices, vol. 58, no. 162,
                    August 24, 1993.
[NIST 1994]         NIST94 of p 127 (EES)
[NIST 1994b]        National Institute of Standards and
                    Technology, Digital Signature Standard (DSS),
                    Federal Information Processing Standards
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