EC Journals & Int'l Conferences

EC Journals & Int'l Conferences

Titel Publisher Est. Editor in Chief
BioSystems Elsevier 1968 Conrad
Complex Systems MIT Press 1987 Wolfram
Adaptive Behavior MIT Press 1992 Meyer
Evolutionary Computation MIT Press 1993 De Jong
Artificial Life MIT Press 1993 Langton
Heuristics Kluwer 1995 Glover
Autononmous Robots Kluwer 1996 Bekey
IEEE Transactions on EC IEEE Press 1997 Fogel
Soft Computing Springer 1997 Zadeh
Memetics B. Edmonds 1997 Dawkins
Evolutionary Optimization Wiley 1998 Osyczka
19 20
Name Acron. Location 5678901234567890 Founder
Intl'l Conf. Genetic Algorithms ICGA USA x x x x x x x x ISGA
Artificial Life Workshop/Conf. AL USA+ x x x x x x Langton
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms FOGA USA x x x x x ISGA
Parallel Problem Solving from NaturePPSN D++ x x x x xx PPSC
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior SAB F++ x x x x xx Meyer
Europ. Conf. Artificial Life ECAL F++ x x x x Varela
Evolutionary Programming EP USA xxxxxx Fogel
Int'l Conf. Artif. NNs and GAs ICANNGAAustria++ x x x (Vienna)
AISB Workshop Evolutionary Comp. AISB UK xxxxxx Fogarty
IEEE Conf. Evolutionary Computation ICEC USA++ xxxxxx IEEE
World Congress Computational Intell.WCCI USA x x IEEE
Evolution Artificielle EA F xx x x Schoenauer
Evolutionary/Adaptive Comput. Conf. acedc/ACDM UK x x x Parmee
Nordic Workshop on GAs NWGA Finland x x Alander
Comput. Intell. for Financial Eng. CIFEr USA+ xxx IEEE/IAFE
Int'l Conf. Multiagent Systems ICMAS USA++ xx Lesser
Metaheuristics Int'l Conference MIC USA+ x x x Glover
IEE Conf. GAs Engng. Syst. Appl. GALESIAUK x x (Sheffield)
Mendel Conf. on GAs, etc. MENDEL Czechia xxx (Brno)
Int'l Conf. Comput. Intell. & Neuroscience ICCIN USA x x (Duke U)+
Online Workshop Evol. Comp. WEC Japan xx Furuhashi
Europ. Course on GAs and ESs EUROGENSpain+ x x EU/DG XII
Int'l Symp. Soft Computing SOCO UK+ xx ICSC
Evol. Comp. and its Applications EvCA Russia x Burtsev+
Genetic Programming GP USA xx Koza
Online World Conf. Soft Computing WSC Japan+ xxx Furuhashi+
Int'l Conf. Evolvable Systems ICES Swiss+ x x Sipper++
Simulated Evolution and Learning SEAL Korea x Kim
Int'l Conf. Autonomous Agents Agents USA xx Johnson
Int'l Conf. Comput. Intell. & Multimedia ICCIMA Australia x Verma
Frontiers in Evolutionary AlgorithmsFEA USA x Janikow
Bio-Computing & Emergent Comp. BCEC Sweden x (Sk�vde)
Emerging Tech: EC Theory & App. ET UK x (London)
Europ. Workshop on GP EUROGP F+ x Banzaf+
Europ. Workshop Evol. Robotics EVOROBOT F+ x Husbands+
Total 1020142549162215
Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Hans-Paul Schwefel
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